Belgian AI Week

Belgian AI Week - NCP Brussels Session AI funding opportunities for SMEs under Horizon Europe

During the Belgian AI Week, every citizen, expert or not, will have the opportunity to discover the fascinating perspectives of artificial intelligence. NCP Brussels invites to its session on AI funding opportunities for SMEs under Horizon Europe.


Participants will gain basic understanding of what to expect from Horizon Europe for AI research and innovation.

This knowledge should allow participants to better assess opportunities from the 2nd and 3rd pillars of Horizon Europe and start preparing proposals accordingly.


14:00 : Introduction to Horizon Europe and NCP services Ji-Hyeon Kim Vanguers, NCP Brussels Coordinator, Legal & Financial NCP –
14:15 : SME Funding opportunities for AI across Horizon Europe, by NCP Brussels Marion Perrin, Horizon Europe NCP for Digital, Industry & Space –
14:35 : EIC funding schemes: main features, understanding the approach and tips, Frédéric Suche, NCP EIC –
14:45 : Q&A
15:00: End of session

More information are available here.