Coastal Tourism Network Kick-off

The municipality of Varde, Denmark hereby invites you to a kick-off for a new coastal tourism network. The idea is to create a network with 5-10 partners from Europe – both partners from member- and non-member states are welcome. The network will revolve around the development of coastal tourism and working with potential and challenges related to this topic. One main purpose of the network will also be to carry the matter of coastal tourism into the political arena and lobbying towards better funding for the future development of coastal tourism. You as a participant are a local authority, and you have a coastline and some tourist visiting and enjoying it. Geographically, you are located along the North Sea, but any coastline filled with tourists will do. It is important for us is that you are engaging yourself and showing an interest in the development of costal tourism and issues related to this topic.   Read more in the attached invitation above!